Messrs Azraai, Hazieq & Zikry ('the Firm') was founded on the 1st of March 2023 by three friends who read law together back in the International Islamic University of Malaysia. Before the inception of the Firm they were partners to an established medium sized practice in Kuala Lumpur.

The Firm specialises in dispute resolution and the founding partners have substantial experience in appearing from the Magistrates Court all the way to the Federal Court, all while obtaining favourable outcomes for its Clients.


The Firm is insured by Professional Indemnity Insurance of RM5,000,000.00 in the aggregate.

The Firm further ensures that the practice standard and risk management policies are reviewed regularly to ensure that the Clients are adequately indemnified at all material times.

The Firm shall also review its coverage from time to time to ensure adequate coverage for the briefs that the Firm is involved in.